Time To Know More About The Working Principles Of Airslide Belts

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There are numerous manufacturers and exporters of special airslide fabrics which are mainly used to make high-quality air slide belts. Not only do the multi-ply structure of the fabric helps in customising the best according to your requirement but you can even change their weight, thickness and permeability. These belts are used in various industries and so their demand has enhanced drastically in the last few years. If you are also planning to approach a manufacturer in India soon, it’s time to enhance your knowledge about the various sectors where these belts are used and their working principles. This will help you choose the most suitable product and make a wise investment.

Airslide belt

Three Prime Uses Of Airslide Belts

  • In Cement Plant

The belt is placed in the middle of the chute and powder material comes into it from above the belt. As materials flow down to the lower slide of the chute, you might feel that the wind power is making the belt move the powder material. The remaining powder will leave the chute from the top with the rest of the wind. The working mechanism is so exact that no parts of the chute will move except the powder material during the process. This helps in maintaining its costs by saving more energy.


  • In Cement Vessel’s Hold

Fluidizing panels are used to cover the sloped cargo hold’s bottom. The airslide belt is then placed on the fluidizing panel’s surface. The panels are supplied with oil-free compressed air using rotary piston blowers. This also makes the cement flow to the point where the discharge gate is installed.


  • In Fluidization Silo

The surface of the silo bottom is used to install the air slide canvas as the bottom of silos and bins generally have a sloped conical which helps in removing free-flowing material which is mostly dry in nature. Though a filter bag can also be used to withdraw relatively dry and free-flowing material, the same purpose can also be served by the conical bottom of silos. The length of the air slide conveyor units is dependent on the length of the conical storage area. If the materials have good fluidization characteristics, you can easily use the spoke patterns.


Since your knowledge about the working principles of airslide fabric and belt has enhanced, it’s time you start looking for a reliable manufacturer and make the most out of the product.

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